Fresh Forward
November 1, 2018
In the grocery world, there are supermarkets, super centers and clubs. Then there’s Fareway. While it doesn’t possess the fuel-savers, clothing and other superfluous products many of its larger competitors boast, the Iowa-based, 80-year-old company holds a distinct advantage over other stores: quality meat and groceries.
But to stay relevant in the world of megamarkets, perks programs and home delivery, Fareway knew it had to evolve. To better position itself for long-term growth, the company wanted to attract a new generation of customers, while staying true to the ‘quality products at discounted prices’ value proposition that has defined the brand for nearly a century. So, Flynn Wright helped Fareway identify a prime marketing opportunity and create a brand identity that was a cut above the competition.
By focusing on what was authentically Fareway, Flynn Wright was able to leverage Fareway’s signature advantage.
As always, Flynn Wright’s solution was fueled by research. First, more than 50 Flynn Wright employees set out across the greater Des Moines area, on their own time, to conduct store visits. Then we surveyed 500 customers throughout the Midwest to uncover insights and perceptions about Fareway, its competition and the grocery market.
Our comprehensive research led us to a single strategic objective: Help Fareway stake its claim in the meat and grocery market, which is rapidly being vacated as more stores transform themselves into do-it-all super centers.
The result was a distinguishable, compelling brand position that strikes the perfect balance between traditional and modern, quality and affordability. The updated logo eliminates the “economical” shield in favor of elevating the store’s calling card – its meat and grocery offerings. And a fresh, new TV spot sets Fareway apart from the mega supermarkets, reaffirming the store’s value proposition in a hard-hitting, yet friendly, customer-centric manner.
Flynn Wright didn’t just create a new visual identity – we helped inspire a cultural shift. The store has already committed to improving its in-store experience, from an enhanced meat counter, to digital boards and a redesigned produce section. And the next year will bring more changes that both honor and advance the Fareway brand.